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Showing posts from August, 2012

Prepare Your Home for Fall and Winter

                      Leaves are turning colors; a sign that fall will soon arrive. The official day for fall this year, 2012 is September 23, now is a good time to prepare your home for the autumn and winter days ahead.   Fall maintenance includes:           cleaning and inspecting the outside gutters           clean the dryer vent           have a technician inspect your furnace           replace the furnace filters           test your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors           store air conditioners           check for drafts and caulk around the windows          put up  storm windows         shampoo or steam clean your carpets  If you have a fireplace, have the chimney cleaned and inspected by a professional.  Now is a good time to gather the firewood near the hearth for those long cold winter nights. Sort and organize your seasonal decorations.  Winter quilts and throws can come out of storage.  It is time to think about changing your color theme.