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Showing posts from 2012

Prepare Your Home for Fall and Winter

                      Leaves are turning colors; a sign that fall will soon arrive. The official day for fall this year, 2012 is September 23, now is a good time to prepare your home for the autumn and winter days ahead.   Fall maintenance includes:           cleaning and inspecting the outside gutters           clean the dryer vent           have a technician inspect your furnace           replace the furnace filters           test your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors           store air conditioners           check for drafts and caulk around the windows          put up  storm windows         shampoo or steam clean your carpets  If you have a fireplace, have the chimney cleaned and inspected by a professional.  Now is a good time to gather the firewood near the hearth for those long cold winter nights. Sort and organize your seasonal decorations.  Winter quilts and throws can come out of storage.  It is time to think about changing your color theme.  

Central Vacuum Hoses

Wire reinforced or Crush-Proof Hoses:  Crush Proof hoses lighter, and cannot be damaged as easily and weigh less wire reinforced.  Crush proof hoses can used in the garage since they are safe to run over with your car. However, wire reinforced hoses cannot kink, which might be helpful if you have to clean around large amounts of furniture. Wire reinforced hoses are more durable, but they can be damaged if large amounts of pressure is applied, but sometimes they can be returned to form with a rubber mallet. Electric or Non-Electric: If you are going to be using a nozzle that requires an electric current to be provided, you need an electric hose. There are two types of electric hoses:  pig-tail and direct connect. Pig-tail hoses are full electric hoses, but have to be plugged into an electric outlet as well as the suction inlet. At the end of the hose exists a cord to be plugged into an outlet that provides electricity for the power nozzle . These hoses can be used on any system, ev

How to Keep Your Vacuum in Good Repair

A good vacuum cleaner will last around 8 to 12 years.  It is a good idea to maintain and repair your vacuum often. If your vacuum is not functioning well the first thing to do is to identify the problem and then know what part needs replacement. Replacement parts are not that expensive. Your manual may have instructions on how to remove and replace your parts. To check your machine, make sure it is unplugged.  The most common parts that need repair are the hose, belt, switches and brush roll.  Inspect the hose, wand and cleaning tools to locate any obstructions.  Debris often collects where one part plugs into another. Remove the parts one at a time. Push a broom handle through the hose and wand.  Look for cracks in the vacuum hose which can cause air leaks. Check the bag and clean or replace all filters.  Replace belts, in connecting a new belt you will need to remove the roller from the vacuum cleaner. Check to make sure the brush roll is spinning.  On and off switch can malfu